Formatting, How to

AppVeyor and python formatting

Hello ! I'm Xavier Jouvenot and in this small post, I am going to explain how to automatically check if your python code is well formatted with AppVeyor. Self promotion: Here are a few social networks where you can follow me and check my work as a programmer and a writer 😉 personal website, Twitter,… Lire la suite AppVeyor and python formatting

Formatting, How to

Checking your python code format on Azure Pipelines

Hello ! I'm Xavier Jouvenot and in this small post, I am going to explain how to automatically check if your python code is well formatted with Azure Pipelines. Self promotion: Here are a few social networks where you can follow me and check my work as a programmer and a writer 😉 personal website,… Lire la suite Checking your python code format on Azure Pipelines

Formatting, How to, Programming

Formatting Python – Why and How !

Hello ! I'm Xavier Jouvenot and in this small post, I am going to explain why you should format you python scripts and how to do it. Self promotion: Here are a few social networks where you can follow me and check my work as a programmer and a writer 😉 personal website, Twitter,,… Lire la suite Formatting Python – Why and How !

Code Craft

Coding Standard – Code Craft

Hi dear reader, I'm Xavier Jouvenot and this is the second article about Code Craft, by Pete Goodliffe. If you want, you can look at the previous article about 'Defensive Programming', and you can find book here. The chapter we will treat today, is named 'The Best Laid Plans - The Layout and Presentation of… Lire la suite Coding Standard – Code Craft


Formatting Cpp, C, Javascript And Other Stuff

Hello dear reader, if you ever came to this article wondering if you should format your code, you can stop reading right now, and go check my other post on that topic. But if you are convinced that code should be formatted, and automatically formatted, first of all welcome 🙂 this post is made for… Lire la suite Formatting Cpp, C, Javascript And Other Stuff