Morning Code Sip

MCS 0013: Enum-String conversion, Sonic port, Pointless meetings

Today, I propose the 3 following articles to start your day.

Enum/String Conversion in C++

Enumeration to String, or String to Enumeration.
This is a problem we can often encounter in various project, and this article brings some solutions.
Even if their no universal solution sadly, but, the solution are pretty nice, and can be adapted to everyone specific case.

Sonic 2 on TI-84+ CE.

I played a lot of Sonic 2 as a child, and finding a port on something as unexpected as a TI-84+ CE could only make me want to talk about it!
The first release is available for this port, and this is truly an impressive work.
Congratulation to grubbyplaya for this project.

Pointless Meetings and What to Do About Them

A really interesting and complete article about pointless meetings and how to avoid them, by ink+volt.
A must-read if you want to improve the meeting you are scheduling/leading in your team.

I hope you enjoyed those articles as much as your morning bevrage, and that they gave you some interesting knowledge.
Personnally, I read them while drinking my first cup of coffee of the day ☕

Have a splendid day, and see you in the next Morning Code Sip articles. 😀

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