Morning Code Sip

MCS 0009 : GitHub Wiki, UPT, Empty Containers and Unsigned Arithmetic

Today, I propose the 3 following articles to start your day.

What is a GitHub Wiki and How Do You Use it?

This article gives a nice overview of what GitHub Wiki is and the possibilities it offers.
A nice to read if you are using GitHub to versionize your code, as you will be able to provide a documentation directly alongside with your code.

UPT: Universal Package Management Tool for Linux

An universal package manager whatever the Operating System you are using.
This is the goal of the tool UPT.
Even though the article is focused on Linux, you can pass by the GitHub repository to have access to either the Windows or the MacOS version.

Be Careful with Empty Containers and Unsigned Arithmetic

This post from shows us the pitfalls to avoid when using index-based for loop in C++.
This is a very important post if you want to avoid having some confusing errors, or undefined behavior that can easily be avoided.

I hope you enjoyed those articles as much as your morning bevrage, and that they gave you some interesting knowledge.
Personnally, I read them while drinking my first cup of coffee of the day ☕

Have a splendid day, and see you in the next Morning Code Sip articles. 😀

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