Morning Code Sip

MCS 0011 : Nintendo Network, Shift Left, the Importance of Static Analysis

Today, I propose the 3 following articles to start your day.

The Future of Pretendo After Nintendo Network

Pretendo is an open-source project that aims to recreate Nintendo Network for the 3DS and Wii U using clean-room reverse engineering.
And now that Nintendo is discontinuing their servers for Wii U and 3DS’s servers, this project become one of all the possibilities if you want to play online with those consoles.
A project interesting to follow.

What Does « Shift Left » Mean in Software Development?

In our domain, being aware of how a project is created from end to end is important, and knowing about the concepts related to software development is also important.
With that in mind, « Shift Left » is a really important concept as it can also impact how you organize your work in order to detect issues the earlier possible.

Static analyzer nudges you to write clean code

Another great article from PVS-Studio, about the importance of using static analisis tools.
Code quality tends to be discarded in an attempt to reduce the time to market of a product.
Sadly, this is a price the developers in charge of the maintainance will pay, since they will have when resolving the bugs found by clients, and potentially bad reviews from their customers.

I hope you enjoyed those articles as much as your morning bevrage, and that they gave you some interesting knowledge.
Personnally, I read them while drinking my first cup of coffee of the day ☕

Have a splendid day, and see you in the next Morning Code Sip articles. 😀

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